tSIP howto

List of few less than obvious to use or configure functions and more exotic applications plus some other links collected from the main page.

Basic call functions

Call transfer
Attended transfer and call pickup with BLF
Direct IP calls
Support for multiple calls

Applications and less typical functions

Voice mailbox
SIP originate
Video doorphone
RTSP doorphone with mpv plugin
Console-only mode
Time-based auto answer
Making outgoing call and playing file in loop
Shared phonebook, shared contact notes
Recording pausing, resuming and recording status
Browser integration
Switching input and output audio devices during a call
RTP streaming with audio source switching
Access-URL support (sending links from PABX to softphone)
Playing audio file during a call
Playing audio after answering
Playing radio during a call (internet radio as an audio source)
XML (Yealink-like) phonebook import
GUI customization in tSIP 0.2
GUI customization in tSIP 0.2.02 /
Flat GUI example
Multi-call audio source kiosk-like panel running on 10" tablet
Tone generator (Lua: GenerateTones())
ZRTP encryption


Preprocess number / SetCallTarget()
Scripting and custom Lua function list
Lua script examples
Scripting: luacheck integration
JSON settings for Lua scripts (template)
Calling script from command line and call queue example
Lua: GetInitialRxInvite()
Lua: GetRxDtmf() - IVR applications
Lua: UpdateSettings()
Lua: UpdateSettings(): switch accounts
Lua: play sound on BLF state change
Lua: show application on BLF state change
Lua: "on programmable button" script event
example setup for "Lenny"
Lua: RecordStart()
Calling number selected in other application on hotkey

Plugins and external tools

NirCmd: volume control, text-to-speech
sox: flexible audio player
Mute all applications except tSIP during the call
Editing settings with JSONedit
Playing local DTMF audio for keypad with Lua and sox
Auto answer when idle
FT232RL module as GPIO
TCP client plugin
TCP server plugin
EX-03 USB phone plugin
Philips VOIP1511 USB handset plugin
USB HID controls plugin
USB HID controls plugin specialized for telephony page (devices like Jabra or Grandstream ION)
LanTick PE-0-8 plugins
ET-7000 Ethernet I/O plugin
WS2812 LED control over UART plugin
Ring URL hit
Playing video files or RTSP streams on a button with libmpv
Provisioning with curl
Compressing recordings using opusenc.exe


telefonia.blog.tartanga.eus: asterisk BLF configuration

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