Simple utility intended to help with looking into crash dumps with stack content from bare metal microcontroller system built with GCC.
- generate firmware listing (objdump); application is expecting 8-bytes addresses at line starts
- specify address range occupied by code - application will ignore addresses in stack dump outside of the range
- load firmware listing to application (File menu or using drag-and-drop)
- load stack dump into application (File menu or pasting); application will check for 8-character hexadecimal addresses, dump format is unimportant
- use list of found code addresses in top right panel to navigate through stack

- Initial release: DumpViewer_0_0_1.zip
- Version 0.0.2: DumpViewer_0_0_2.zip
- function name (if found) is displayed next to the address from stack
- added vertical splitter between dump text and list of found addresses to be able to fit long function names in this list