tSIP softphone: Lua script examples
Random Lua scripts. See "script" button reference for general description and list of available functions.
Quick introduction to Lua: http://tylerneylon.com/a/learn-lua/.
on_call_disconnected_play.lua ("on call state" script)
-- "on call state": beep when call ends if (only if) call was established call_state = GetCallState() call_incoming = IsCallIncoming() if call_state == 6 then -- CALL_STATE_ESTABLISHED SetVariable("CallEstablished", "does-not-matter-what-i-enter-here") elseif call_state == 0 then -- CALL_STATE_CLOSED local dummy, isset = GetVariable("CallEstablished") ClearVariable("CallEstablished") if (isset ~= 0) then -- Beep only if call was established previously Beep(392, 350) Sleep(50) Beep(392, 350) Sleep(50) Beep(392, 350) Sleep(50) Beep(311.1, 250) Sleep(50) Beep(466.2, 250) Sleep(50) Beep(392, 350) Sleep(50) Beep(311.1, 250) Sleep(50) Beep(466, 250) Sleep(50) Beep(392, 700) end end
Count number of times script was executed ("button" script)
-- This script counts number of times it was executed local count, var_isset = GetVariable("runcount") if (var_isset == 0) then count = 0 else count = tonumber(count) end count = count + 1 SetVariable("runcount", count) print(string.format("Script executed %d time(s)\n", count))
Send DTMFs automatically to e.g. enter conference room ("button" script)
-- user config number = "sip:" -- or regular phone number dtmf = "1234" -- end of user config Call(number) for i=1, 20, 1 do if (i == 20) then print("Timed out waiting for confirmed state\n") break; end Sleep(300) call_state = GetCallState() if call_state == 6 then -- CALL_STATE_ESTABLISHED Sleep(2000) SendDtmf("1234") break elseif call_state == 0 then -- CALL_STATE_CLOSED print("End of call\n") break; end end print("End of script\n")
Change tray icon depending on call state ("on call state")
callState = GetCallState() if callState == 0 then SetTrayIcon("icon_closed.bmp") elseif callState == 1 then SetTrayIcon("icon_incoming.bmp") elseif callState == 2 then SetTrayIcon("icon_outgoing.bmp") elseif callState == 3 then SetTrayIcon("icon_trying.bmp") elseif callState == 4 then SetTrayIcon("icon_ringing.bmp") elseif callState == 5 then SetTrayIcon("icon_progress.bmp") elseif callState == 6 then SetTrayIcon("icon_established.bmp") end
Lua modules / including another script
-- scriptTest.lua from scripts directory local M = {} -- public interface local x = 1 -- private function M.testFunction() print(string.format("Test function called, x = %d\n", x)) end return M -- end of scriptTest.lua -- main.lua local scriptTest = require("scripts.scriptTest") print("Trying to call testFunction...\n") scriptTest.testFunction() -- end of main.lua
Send record file by mail - to be combined with mailbox
call_state = GetCallState() if call_state == 0 then -- CALL_STATE_CLOSED local fileName = GetRecordFile() if fileName ~= "" then -- check file size, skip small (probably empty - only announcement) files local file = io.open(fileName, "r") local fileSize = file:seek("end") file:close() if (fileSize < 8 * 2 * 8000) then -- 8 seconds * 2B/sample * 8kS/s print(string.format("Skipping file %s (size = %d)\n", fileName, fileSize)) else print(string.format("Sending mail with file %s (size = %d)\n", fileName, fileSize)) -- TODO: replace with real command line mail client local params = "send " .. fileName ShellExecute("open", "some_sendmail.exe", params, nil, 1) end end end
Set call codec name as button caption ("on call state" event script)
-- configuration local buttonId = 0 -- button to display codec name on -- end of configuration local callState = GetCallState() if callState == 6 then -- ESTABLISHED local codecName = GetCallCodecName(); local caption = string.format(" %s", codecName) SetButtonCaption(buttonId, caption) elseif callState == 0 then -- CLOSED SetButtonCaption(buttonId, " ----") end
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