tSIP softphone: SIP call origination

With some Lua scripting tSIP softphone can be used to originate calls from PC via PBX using desk VoIP or even analog phone for talking. Here is how it works:

Lua scripts

Prepare two Lua files, place them in \scripts subdirectory and add them to tSIP configuration:
tSIP call originate scripts


desk_phone_number = "401"	-- replace with number assigned to your desk phone
-- end of user configuration

target = GetInitialCallTarget()
SetVariable("originate_target", target)


call_state = GetCallState()
call_incoming = IsCallIncoming()
if call_incoming == 0 and call_state == 6 then -- outgoing call, CALL_STATE_ESTABLISHED
	local originate_target, var_isset = GetVariable("originate_target")
	if (var_isset ~= 0) then
		print(string.format("Lua originate: blind transfer to %s\n", originate_target))

Forcing auto-answer

Version 0.1.61 adds feature of inserting custom header lines into outgoing INVITEs. This allows to reduce number of steps needed from operator (especially if headphone is used) as initial call from softphone to desk phone can be answered automatically with these lines added:

Alert-Info: answer-after=0
Call-Info: answer-after=0

Note: refer to desk phone manual if these lines do not take effect - exact form varies between manufacturers.

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