tSIP: mute all other applications
Script (for "on call state" event) muting all other applications during the call, using NirSoft SoundVolumeView.
SoundVolumeView.exe has to placed next to tSIP.exe.
Thanks to Carl Fortin.
local call_State_Type = GetCallState() function file_exists(name) local f=io.open(name,"r") if f~=nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end local filename = GetExeName() local index = string.find(filename:reverse(), "\\") local dir = string.sub(filename, 1, -index) local exe = dir .. "SoundVolumeView.exe" -- print(string.format("exe location = %s\n", exe)) if not file_exists(exe) then print(string.format("%s does not exist!\n", exe)) return end -- CALL_STATE_ESTABLISHED or CALL_STATE_PROGRESS if call_State_Type == 6 or call_State_Type == 5 then print("Muting all applications except tSIP.exe\n") ShellExecute("open", exe, "/Mute AllAppVolume", nil, 1) Sleep(500) ShellExecute("open", exe, "/Unmute tSIP.exe", nil, 1) -- CALL_STATE_CLOSED elseif call_State_Type == 0 then print("Unmuting all applications\n") ShellExecute("open", exe, "/Unmute AllAppVolume", nil, 1) else -- print("Do nothing!") end
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