USB to RS485 converter

Cheap and popular USB to RS-485 converter.

From what I remember I've bought both my converters from the same brick-and-mortar store. They worked pretty fine as RS485 MODBUS adapters, but in February 2025 I've found a problem with one (and just one) of them. It looks like it is not compatible with the latest (from September 2024) Windows 10 64-bit CH340/CH341 serial port driver.

The issue: SetCommState function was failing with errno set to 31 (ERROR_GEN_FAILURE / "A device attached to the system is not functioning").

Installing manually CH340 driver from 2019 and forcing this version through device manager (might need to repeated multiple times) fixes this issue.

No physical difference from the outside. First one is not working, second one works.
CH340 USB to RS484

While both adapters look similar inside and both have chips with no markings (both are fakes?), the first one has no crystal. Maybe is should not be surprising, according to datasheet there are multiple CH340 variants, some requiring external crystal and some with built-in crystal (is is really physical crystal or just PLL synchronized with USB?).
CH340 USB to RS484

CH340 USB to RS484

If markings on (likely fake) MAX485 are trustworthy, second adapter might be 6 years older than the first one. This would mean that chip version having problem with the latest driver is the newer one.
CH340 USB to RS484

6V8 transient voltage suppressor diodes are missing from the second one.
CH340 USB to RS484

See also:

CH340 driver from 2019 (working with both my converters): CH341SER_WIN_3.5.ZIP.

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