Zealot S7 Bluetooth speaker

Inexpensive Bluetooth speaker from around 2017, featuring 10000 mAh battery, touch keys with backlight, USB charging input (micro) and output (type A), micro SD slot and 3.5 mm jack line input.

Zealot S7 Bluetooth speaker

Top cover is held by latches. Plastic is a little bit brittle and it is likely that some of the latches might break. Most of the damage here was done by the owner trying to open it (I've broken only one of the clips), but seeing that these latches are placed quite far away from the edges - it might be hard to avoid. I was opening it to check the state of micro USB socket that seemed to have issues and finally I've just resoldered it. The other issue with this unit is audio distortion from one of the speakers at higher volume, but I've left it alone.
Zealot S7 Bluetooth speaker

Zealot S7 Bluetooth speaker

DLT8T10 - 10 channel capacitive touch sensor interface. For volume control you have to move finger in circle around the middle "button" and it works wonky.
Zealot S7 Bluetooth speaker

Zealot S7 Bluetooth speaker

Zealot S7 Bluetooth speaker

It looks like cables for for backlight have reversed colors, but it still works.
Zealot S7 Bluetooth speaker

Front panel has 4 LEDs showing charging state and electret microphone on small PCB.
Zealot S7 Bluetooth speaker

Power supply: 4 x 18650 cell. All cells are connected in parallel.
Zealot S7 Bluetooth speaker

Zealot S7 Bluetooth speaker

ATS2825 BT SoC with MX25L1606 serial FLASH for program memory.
Zealot S7 Bluetooth speaker

IP5108 - LiIon voltage converter / charging and discharging controller. It drives 4 LEDs on the front signaling charging state using charlieplexing. It looks like charging state is passed to main SoC through I2C.
Zealot S7 Bluetooth speaker

Zealot S7 Bluetooth speaker

Zealot S7 Bluetooth speaker

Zealot S7 Bluetooth speaker

Four audio amplifier chips, HT8693 - one for each of the speakers. Interesting feature of this chip is that it can work both as class D and class AB amplifier.
Zealot S7 Bluetooth speaker

PCB: ZL ATSS7 BT V1.0, designed 2016.09, manufactured 2017.03.
Zealot S7 Bluetooth speaker

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