LAMAX Drive C7 dashboard camera

Full HD dashboard camera. According to Amazon this model was introduced in a year 2015, but this particular one is from 2017.

Initially not working, shorting power supply / USB.

LAMAX Drive C7

LAMAX Drive C7

LAMAX Drive C7

LAMAX Drive C7

LAMAX Drive C7

LAMAX Drive C7

25Q32 SPI Flash.
LAMAX Drive C7

LAMAX Drive C7

LN4890 audio amplifier for internal speaker.
LAMAX Drive C7

LAMAX Drive C7

LAMAX Drive C7

AIT8472D SoC.
LAMAX Drive C7

The reason of shorting USB / power supply: one of the MLCC capacitors was shorted. There were two 1206 capacitors in parallel, the other that was working had 47 uF capacitance. Not having 47 uF 1206 MLCC in stock I've replaced the broken one with slightly larger tantalum capacitor.
LAMAX Drive C7

It looks like LiIon cell (042030, 180 mAh) also needs replacing.

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