Miniscope v2f

Extremely cheap low-speed PC/USB oscilloscope with STM32 (STM32F042) microcontroller - variant of miniscope v2e with input amplifier (MCP6S21 PGA) added. This is minor update, but input PGA fixes problem with input leakage of STM32F042 allowing increasing input impedance at the same time.

Quick specification


Retail prices are from my local distributor, YMMV but listed prices are rather in top range.

Schematic: miniscope_v2f.pdf
miniscope v2e schematic
miniscope v2e schematic
Note: 3.3V voltage regulator can be used as well. It would change voltage ranges which may be compensated either by using software calibration function in GUI or recompiling DLL with changed fBasicSens value.
Eagle files:
"Panelized" PCB printout for toner etching: miniscope_v2f_pcb_panelized.pdf
miniscope v2f PCB (Eagle)
Heat shrink tube as cheap housing:
miniscope v2f in termoshrink tube

Big thanks to for featuring this project (as well as previous versions).