tSIP: "on programmable button" Lua event

With tSIP 0.1.66 new script event type was added - "on programmable button". This event allows to handle button pressing with script for any button type (not only for "Script" type button). Most obvious usage would be combining BLF type button with script.

Along with new event type three Lua functions were added:

allows to decide if normal button action should be executed after script finishes (value == 0) or not (if value != 0)
type = GetButtonType(btnId)
get configured button type
number = GetButtonNumber(btnId)
get number/URI configured for button

Example script for BLF buttons that generated either blind or attended transfer depending of Ctrl button state:

-- determine trigger of script execution
local execSourceType = GetExecSourceType()	-- 0 = button
if execSourceType ~= 0 then
	print("Unexpected context for 'on programmable button' script!\n")

local callState = GetCallState()
if callState ~= 6 then	-- 6 = CALL_STATE_ESTABLISHED (connected)
	SetHandled(0)		-- use default button action

local btnId = GetExecSourceId()

local btnType = GetButtonType(btnId)
if btnType ~= 2	then	-- 2 = BLF button (position on button types list indexed from 0)

local btnNumber = GetButtonNumber(btnId)

function testflag(set, flag)
  return set % (2*flag) >= flag

local winapi = require("tsip_winapi")
-- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/inputdev/virtual-key-codes
-- VK_SHIFT = 0x10 = 16
-- VK_CONTROL = 0x11 = 17
-- VK_MENU (Alt) = 0x12 = 18
-- etc.

keyState = winapi.GetAsyncKeyState(17)
if testflag(keyState, 32768) then
	-- print("CONTROL is down\n")
	SendDtmf("*2" .. btnNumber)	-- "*2" = default attented transfer feature code for asterisk
	-- print("CONTROL is up\n")
	SendDtmf("#1" .. btnNumber)	-- "#1" = default blind transfer feature code for asterisk
	-- or:
	-- BlindTransfer(number)

SetHandled(1)	-- skip default action

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