
Some basic branding can be done without compiling, just using resource editor of your choice.
Open exe file with resource editor and find string tables, in particular this one:
tSIP string table

Obviously you may change executable name to match changed application name.
Some GUI details can be also changed by editing VCL DFM resources visible as RCData. For these purpose use rather resource editor from as one above seems to hang when trying to open "About" window resource (too much text from licenses?). Since DFM resources may change from one version to another - even accidentally as they are automatically generated - it would be good idea to save text from DFM as separate file to be able to merge changes into future version.

For DFM resource editing small tool, Mitec DFM Editor might be useful. Application DFM files can be extracted using File/Extract from EXE... function. While it doesn't seem allowing editing resources using property explorer or by dragging/resizing like with IDE (they have to be edited as text) it allows previewing changes quickly. Clicking components shown in preview window helps identyfying them by focusing on object list.
Mitec DFM Editor

Embedding fixed settings

This mechanism was added in version, 2022.03.25. It allows to add to executable selected part(s) of configuration that would overwrite default and/or user settings. tSIP already has some settings for branding and locking from end user (e.g. recently added hiding of selected settings pages), but as most of these (except resource-based settings like above) are stored in clearly visible settings - they can be lost if user would manually edit settings or delete and recreate settings. Embedding some of the settings as resource could not be considered secure, but would hide them from prying eyes.

At the moment this mechanism does not apply to button settings, only "main" settings can be overwritten.


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