Miracast HDMI adapter

Cheap Miracast HDMI dongle powered from USB, branded as maxscreen.

Miracast HDMI adapter

Using USB WiFi adapter based on RTL8188.
Miracast HDMI adapter

Miracast HDMI adapter

Miracast HDMI adapter

Miracast HDMI adapter

Rockchip RK3036 SoC. Dual-core Cortex-A7.
Miracast HDMI adapter

Miracast HDMI adapter

HY5PS1G1631C - 1Gbit DDR2 (WTF? RK3036 is supposed to work with DDR3/DDR3L).
Miracast HDMI adapter

Miracast HDMI adapter

MX25L12835FMI - 128Mbit SPI NOR Flash.
Miracast HDMI adapter

At the moment this adapter is non-functional. It is displaying instruction screen through HDMI, but WiFi network that is supposed to be used for configuration (xhadapter-xxxxxx) is not starting. I was able to run it once after treating with hot air (~180 C), so I'm suspecting either Flash bit rot or some soldering issue.

Similar adapter: https://github.com/yuvadm/rockcast.

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