Welcome to armscope!
Armscope is a simple low cost digital storage oscilloscope based on AT91SAM7S microcontroller.
This document corresponds to armscope version 20090921.
- single channel,
- 8-bit sampling using internal AT91SAM7S ADC,
- sampling frequency up to 500 kSps,
- uses USB as communication interface,
- USB powered,
- input voltage range from +/-64 mV to +/-16.5 V (ranges graded in 1:3 series), no offset setting,
- triggered by slope or immediately per request,
- capture buffer size from 512 samples to 14336 samples,
- AC or DC coupling
- cost: about $20 assuming you can make PCB on your own and have few hours to spare.
Tomasz Ostrowski < tomasz dot o dot ostrowski at gmail dot com >